4 Tips to Keep Your Printer Working

1. Use a Static IP Address

There are two ways for your printer to identify itself on your network: 1) The printer can dynamically receive an IP address from your router, or 2) you can manually set the IP address yourself. By default, printers are usually set to receive their IP address dynamically, which is an automatic process, and sometimes the IP address changes. This is a common reason printers stop working or have to be deleted and added again, which can be easily prevented by using a static IP address.

2. Disable Sleep/Rest Mode

Most printers will enter a sleep or rest mode after a period of inactivity. Although this may save some electricity, often times a printer won’t wake up when it’s time to print. For optimal performance, it’s better to disable this feature entirely.

3. Use an Ethernet Connection When Possible

Not every printer has a port for an ethernet cable, but if your printer does, use it. It’s always better to hardwire the printer rather than connecting it wirelessly. Wi-Fi is convenient, but using ethernet is more reliable. Partially because ethernet is able to prevent interruptions better than WiFi is.

4. Check The Printer Drivers

Always make sure you are using the correct drivers for your model of printer. Your computer will most likely populate a generic driver when it identifies the printer, but using the drivers specifically made for the printer is always better. Bonus tip: it’s a great idea to change the default password on your printer. Leaving the default username and password creates a potential security breach.

If you’d like to implement these tips but need some help along the way, we are here for you! Please give us a call at 623-632-5999 or fill out the contact form here to schedule an appointment with us. See you soon!


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