Is Your Home Network Secure?

1. The Network You Probably Have

It’s completely normal for humans to take the path of least resistance, and that’s why internet providers like Cox or Century Link provide an all-in-one internet solution. When signing up for internet services, most people utilize the provided hardware without thinking twice. However, the modem/router combo often provided by internet service providers are extremely basic and offer very little (if any) protection. They don’t have the necessary components or software to facilitate threat management, which is extremely important in today’s environment.

2. The Network You Should Have

Although cyber-related attacks on residential users were not super prevalent back in the day, they are now. It’s no longer just corporate businesses that get targeted, it’s everyday users like you and me. For example, Ransomware attacks are on the rise: in 2022, there were over 490 million incidents that occurred around the globe, and that’s just 1 type of attack. Your home network doesn’t have to be complicated, but at the very least, it should have the ability to inspect the traffic coming in and going out. Your network should be built to identify and block malicious connections, without you having to worry, or be left vulnerable.

3. The Network You Could Have

The great news is, robust technology is now available for residential users. It’s now easier than ever to build a simple network that has the necessary security features for a decent price. Not only can a well-built network protect you at home, it can also protect you while using other networks. You can use any internet connection you want (a friend’s house, coffee shop, or airport), VPN into your home network, and inherit the security measures that you already have at home remotely.

We know that there is a lot of jargon and technical terminology thrown around when it comes to networking, security, cyber threats, etc. Here at ATG, we try to keep it as simple as possible. We can help you build a proper home network that will put your mind at ease. Visit our contact page to setup a free consultation today!


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